Some of the data in the paste buffer are out of the range of %1. Data will not be changed. Some of the data in the paste buffer are not in the validation list of %1. Data will not be changed. Non-numeric data cannot be pasted into numeric column %1. Data will not be changed. Invalid data for destination column %1. Data will not be changed. Member % of the transport library is empty. Help: ^TITLE Cannot delete, column is in use. Cannot retype, column is in use. Add the categories in the order you want them to appear. A chart uses data from the column %1. Window Title: Data columns have different data types. % rows will be added. There is a maximum of % rows per data table. There is a maximum of 5 terms per effect. The first 5 will be used. Assign role for selected columns Cannot edit locked columns. Select hidden columns to show in % data table. Select data tables to be concatenated The cell value is out of range. Invalid data for focus cell. Cell value will be set to missing. The cell value is not valid. The given string is not a valid column name. The given file is not a JMP data table. Invalid specification for end of line delimiter. Please give a valid ASCII character. To specify in hex, precede the hex code with "0x". Invalid specification for end of field delimiter. Please give a valid ASCII character. To specify in hex, precede the hex code with "0x". The last visible column is being deleted. String contains non-numeric data. The name is already taken. Please use a different name. Page is too small. Please reduce font. Unable to complete sort. Cannot append. Given file is not a SAS transport library. The selected file does not appear to be a SAS Transport file. Please check that it was created correctly and moved to your Macintosh with a binary download. Cannot create data table with more that 32767 columns. Unterminated quoted string. More column descriptors given than the specified maximum. Syntax error. The string is too long. Misplaced Keyword. Unable to allocate sufficient memory. Missing column descriptors. Illegal character found where positive integer expected. Unknown keyword. Missing key word. Import source file is empty. Cannot revert. Data set is in use. Cannot save row states. Column is locked. Data table is locked. Data type of source column %0 does not match the data type of destination column %1. Paste region is ambiguous.